Piano Duo with Ani-Ter Martirosyan, pianist.

Works by Mozart, Schubert, Brahms and Grieg.
Ani Ter-Martirosyan`s play is characterized by a specialemotionality and passion. Critics praise her for her featheryvirtuosity (Neue Zürcher Zeitung) and her poetic, sensitivesound. As a wanted concert pianist, Ani Ter-Martirosyan’sperformances are listened to in concert halls such as theKölner Philharmonie, Essener Philharmonie, RobertSchuman Hall Düsseldorf, Theater Aachen, HistorischeStadthalle Wuppertal, Teatro Quirino di Roma, VillaBorghese Roma, Villa Medici Giulini Milano and many more.Still a student, the young pianist was awarded in prestigiousnational and international competitions and festivals, such asOsimo International Competition (Italy), Ile de FranceInternational Competition (France), Bachelor Awards(Germany),Sieghard-Rometsch-Wettbewerb (Deutschland),BIS Festival Engadin (Switzerland), Allegro Vivo Festival(Austria), Piano Festival Ruhr (Germany).Ani Ter-Martirosyan holds a scholarship of various renowned foundations, including theWagner Foundation, the Deutschland Scholarship, the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, theGulbenkian Foundation and many others.The collaboration with theConservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia di Roma, where she had theunique opportunity to play historical instruments such as the harpsichord and fortepiano was ofparticular importance on her artistic journey. In addition to working as a soloist, Ani alsoperforms as a versatile chamber music partner. Special attention is paid to the art song by her.Currently she is a member and co-founder ofTrio Meredi from Rome.Next to the classical-romantic repertoire, which is one of the pianist’s prominent strength, AniTer-Martirosyan is also involved in the performances of works by contemporary composers.She is a member of theAssociation of Young Armenian Composers and Performers.Born in Armenia she started to take piano lessons at the age of six and later in the organ as well.She entered the State Conservatory in Yerevan, where she studied inProf. Anna & SergeiSarajyan’sclass.Afterwards she studied piano at theAcademy of Music and Dance in Cologne inProf. PavelGililov’sand Prof. Jacob Leuschner’sclasses. Most recently, Ani Ter-Martirosyan studied inProf. Barbara Szczepanska’s class at theRobert Schumann Musikhochschule in Düsseldorf andgraduated with honors. Taking part in numerous master classes, she encountered importantmusical personalities such asFerenc Rados, Dmitry Baschkirov, Jacques Rouvier, ClaudioMartinez Mehner as well as Hisako Kawamura, who had an immense influence on her artistic development.
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